Well, the inevitable happened and it's taken me 24 hours to come to terms with it enough to write down my thoughts here. IPSF season cancelled. Or postponed? Nobody is sure. I hope postponed, as having to adjust to a new code of points (and requalify for those) would be implied in the case of cancellation.
This decision was devastating to those of us who had already been training and planning their year around these key dates. But, with the IPSF wishing to fall in line with the Olympic committee, not to mention the impossible prospect of rescheduling tens of qualifying competitions, it just wasn't possible to go ahead. Additionally, there was a sense of unfairness surrounding the inequality in athletes' preparation conditions. Some are isolated without a pole; some, like me, have been ill and are just getting their strength back, while others may have issues planning their travel.
After some consideration, I thought about other competitions that may still be taking place this year and I decided that this would be as good a time as any to discover the world of the Pole Sports Organization (PSO). After checking out the categories and levels, I signed up for a competition in the level 4 Championship category, Master 40-49 years. I have also applied for official IPSF coach status, following my hope that the season is postponed and not cancelled. Now, it's a case of refocusing. I am interested to see what others decide to do following yesterday's announcement.
This decision was devastating to those of us who had already been training and planning their year around these key dates. But, with the IPSF wishing to fall in line with the Olympic committee, not to mention the impossible prospect of rescheduling tens of qualifying competitions, it just wasn't possible to go ahead. Additionally, there was a sense of unfairness surrounding the inequality in athletes' preparation conditions. Some are isolated without a pole; some, like me, have been ill and are just getting their strength back, while others may have issues planning their travel.
After some consideration, I thought about other competitions that may still be taking place this year and I decided that this would be as good a time as any to discover the world of the Pole Sports Organization (PSO). After checking out the categories and levels, I signed up for a competition in the level 4 Championship category, Master 40-49 years. I have also applied for official IPSF coach status, following my hope that the season is postponed and not cancelled. Now, it's a case of refocusing. I am interested to see what others decide to do following yesterday's announcement.
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