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About me

Let me introduce myself and my improbable pole sports journey so far :-).

So why pole sport and how did I start?

Several circumstances coincided at the right time, I think. On the one hand, I was signing up my daughter for recreational gymnastics classes and I was thinking how fun that sounded. On the other hand, I was recovering from a long bout of pneumonia and was feeling physically weak and in need of an incentive to regain strength. Browsing on my computer, I came across the website for a pole dance school in my neighbourhood and in a moment of spontaneity, I signed up straight away for the next initiation class. Of course, I became addicted straight away and it was a long wait from the initiation in July to the start of classes in late September. That was in 2016, and at the age of 37, I only ever though this sport could be a fun hobby for me.

How did I get here?

2nd Place in Dutch Open 2019
Today, I am a qualified pole fitness teacher, continuing to follow CPD programs at every opportunity. As an athlete, I represented Belgium at the IPSF World Pole Sport Championships in 2019 at the age of 40 and I am currently preparing for the 2020 competition season. My plans for 2021 include becoming an officially recognised IPSF coach. Update! The 2020 season has been cancelled/postponed, however I did apply for official coach status, which I have been awarded.

But let's rewind to 2017. I was enjoying my weekly pole class, but I was starting to get frustrated. Waiting a week to get back on the pole was always too long and I was stagnating in my progress. Chatting with other girls in my class, it became clear that I needed to buy my own pole to practise at home. It was the arrival of my own home pole in early summer that allowed me to set my own goals and take my pole practice forwards at my own rhythm.

On Stage, Baby Brussels Art & Pole Show
In Autumn 2017, I started taking choreography and expression classes with Angèle, the owner of Brussels Art & Pole, which lead to my performance in the Baby Brussels Art and Pole Show in January 2019. When my big moment came to perform for the first time on stage, I was surprised to discover that I wasn't nervous! I loved every second. This was a big part of my subesquent decision to sign up for a competition.

I took part in the Dutch National Championships in the open category and my score was better than I had hoped for. I came second in my category and qualified for the world championships. It was quite surreal! The world championships was an amazing experience, but unfortunately I was not satisfied by my performance. I had fallen ill a few days before and was taking antibiotics for a respiratory infection. I still got up there and performed though! Now, I am ready to come back stronger in 2020 and I can't wait to relive the experience. I have just quit my day job as a school teacher and am ready to focus 100% on my sport.

On stage at the IPSF World Pole Sports Championships, Montreal October 2019

What next?

Well, apart from the 2020 competition season, I am starting to coach others for competitions and becoming specialised in Pole Sports. My decision to follow a teacher training certificate with Spin City Pole Fitness sparked an interest in pole-specific physiology and best training practices, which I am now continuing to develop by following further courses and certifications. I hope to extend my teaching experience to flexibility and conditioning for pole sport by the end of 2020!


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