Sports classes have been closed since 26th October in Belgium and the past month has been tough. I haven't felt like blogging and to be fair I probably haven't had time to focus on expressing my feelings regarding the current situation. I'm someone who always looks for the positive; my theory is that events are always leading me to where I should be and I try to look for opportunities along the journey to benefit from my experiences. The last lockdown was long and full of disappointments, for example cancellation of competitions, which were to be my focal point of 2020, however if it were not for these roadblocks I would not have launched Momentum Pole Sport this year. This time, it is the cancellation of my classes at Momentum at the source of my concern. I initially hoped to reschedule the classes and in the meantime I launched online videos and challenges to keep my students interested and motivated. I feel like a community was created during the two months that I was ab...