Picking up from my last post, so much has happened in the past 4 weeks. My initiation classes took place successfully on 30th August and I enjoyed every minute. Almost all of the participants signed up for regular classes and my groups are now complete (with waiting list for the two beginners' classes!). Smiling faces after the first initiation class! On Monday, the first lessons took place, in a happy, relaxed and positive atmosphere. Everything I was hoping to create in this venture! With systems now in place for arrival of students, installation and storage of the poles, communication with the groups, general rules and Covid policy, I hope that things will continue to run smoothly. One thing I can say with confidence is that running this type of business is a lot more work than it may seem on the outside. I have created this ASBL from scratch by myself, developed the ideas, the website, promoted my activity, enrolled students, taken care of policies and insurance, managed the ac...