What makes this sport so special and how do I imagine a fulfilling work-life focused on its practice? When I took my first pole dance steps in Autumn 2016, I could not have imagined the place this sport was going to take in my life. Like many others, I was intrigued to try pole dance as a fun way of building fitness and strength. What I discovered was much more: a friendly, supportive and inclusive community, a means of stress-management, and a sport that not only challenges the physical but also brings me out of myself and encourages me to develop my creative side. Whatever your level of pole, there will always be an aspect of your training that you want to achieve: a new trick that you've almost got, experimentations with a different style, preparing for a show or competition, or maybe better flexibility. As long as these incentives are realistic, they are a huge source of motivation as you achieve them, one by one, all the time setting new targets. This sense of progress is ...